
Friday, October 28, 2011

Gooseberry Pear Jam


These darling little berries came in the CSA this week. Just a
few nestled in
their papery skins; not really enough on their
own they came accompanied by several Bosc pears. Combine
these with my ubiquitous friend ginger and a
spot of the season’s
first blood orange juice for a preserve that is compellingly
similar in texture to a pear preserve Mother made each year
when the fruit trees were buckling under their burden. Just a
little runny and sweet it bears a striking resemblance to fig jam
with all the little seeds. A spoon of this will be welcome when
the snow is here to stay.

Gooseberry Pear JamGooseberry Pear Jam

Gooseberry Pear Jam

1 1/4 pounds pears, peeled, diced
1/2 inch knob ginger, minced
2 cups evaporated cane juice
juice of 1 blood orange
8 ounces clean
ed gooseberries

Combine everything in a heavy pot and cook to gel stage. Process 10 minutes
in hot water bath.

Makes 2 half pints, 1 4 oz jar, and a smidge for snacking.

1 comment:

  1. There are few things more satisfying to me than making jelly or jam. I bet this one has an interesting taste. My grandmother always canned pears. Definitely a taste from my past!
